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Staff Profile

TITLE: -3821
NAME: Ayeni Janet Enuwas
DESIGNATION: Animal House Supervisor
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Ayeni Enuwas Janet is presently an Animal House Supervisor Under the supervision of the H.O.D Anatomy Department, where she is responsible for the breeding of animals for research purpose. She obtained a Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) degree in Agricultural Science from Adeyemi College of Education in the year 2010, after which she joined the Trauma center of the Ondo State Medical Village as the departmental secretary in the year 2013 - 2016. She is a seasoned agricultural scientist that have a sound knowledge of animal breeding, care and management.
University of Medical Sciences

Laje Road, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria. PMB 536. E-mail:
Tel: +234-706-957-3618, +234-905-826-3636, +234-811-295-7770,