NAME: Amenaghawon Pius Osarobo |
DEPARTMENT: Child Dental Health |
SPECIALIZATION: Paeditric Dentistry |
E-MAIL: pamenaghawon@unimed.edu.ng |
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I am Pius Osarobo Amenaghawon, happily married in a monogamous setting, a dentist, a senior registral and a lecturer in Peadiatric dentistry.
I am a Christian, a lover of Children and a member of Children Evangelism Ministry International. I believed that it is better and easier to train up a Child then to repair Adult.
Teaching and impacting knowledge and making positive impact in people and nation at large, leaving a legacy of building people who love and believed in themselves and in what they are doing.
I love to learn new ideals and skills, thriving daily to be better than my yesterday.
My areas of research interest is children and adults oral health in relation with the environment
My hobbies are reading, cooking, meeting new people, traveling.
My watch word is from the Holy Scripture, Philippians 4:8 and I Timothy 4:12.