NAME: Adeloye Samuel Olamide |
DEPARTMENT: Office of the Vice-Chancellor |
DESIGNATION: Principal Legal Officer |
E-MAIL: sadeloye@unimed.edu.ng |
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Olamide has over twelve years’ experience in various aspects of Nigerian Law. He started his career as an associate at Adewale Afolabi & Co. where he worked as a civil and criminal litigator. He also worked as an associate in Olajide Oyewole LLP where he worked on commercial, oil and gas contracts, Company Secretariat and was involved in negotiating mergers and acquisitions. He was also a partner at Orion Partners prior to his appointment as Senior Legal Officer at the University of Medical Sciences Ondo. He is extremely organized, reliable and possesses a brilliant legal mind, thus he handles issues with exemplary professionalism and dexterity. He obtained a Bachelor of Laws Degree in 2007 from the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Osun State and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2008.