Kindly consider applying for the forthcoming workshop on grantsmanship.
Date: 23rd & 24th November, 2021
Venue: UNIMED School of Public Health, Bolorunduro
Time: 8.00 AM to 2.00 PM
This is the second in the series of capacity strengthening workshops on grantsmanship. It is organized to support UNIMED Research Groups in anticipation of TETFund NRF, IBR or similar calls for research proposals. It will be highly interactive with facilitated discussions on the essential
elements of a good research proposal.
• Dr Tuoyo K. Okorosobo
• Professor Olumide AT Ogundahunsi
How to apply. The workshop is open to all research groups and researchers in UNIMED, however, only a limited number of participants (50) will be accepted. Pre-registration is therefore mandatory. Interested individuals / research group members must pre-register by e-mail to
research@unimed.edu.ng indicating the following:
Title, Name, E-mail & Department.
A short statement of interest and expectation from the workshop (max. 200 words) must be included in the e-mail.
The Subject field of the e-mail should read: Grantsmanship Series 2 – followed by the name of the individual in upper case letters. E.g. [Grantsmanship Series 2 – OGUNDAHUNSI].
Pre-registration will close at 11.59pm November 12, 2021.