The Central Office for Research and Development (CORD) is requesting interested academic staff (not below the rank of Senior Lecturer) to prepare and submit their 2021 NRF concept notes (no more than 1500 words) for review and assessment by the University Research and Training Committee (RTC).
The lead researchers of promising concept notes will be invited for a workshop[1] (at a later date) to further develop their concept notes and research proposals for subsequent submission to the TETFund at the appropriate time.
Researchers who intend to submit applications are advised to familiarize themselves with the NRF guidelines and the thematic areas of focus. The guideline document is available at before preparing their concept note.
Please submit your concept notes by e-mail to no later than 20th November 2021.
[1] This workshop is different from the Grantsmanship workshop Series 2 (proposal developments and Budgeting) scheduled for 23rd and 24th November at School of Public Health, Bolorunduro.