Collection of funding opportunities from seeding Labs

Global Learning Scholarship Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Informa Connect is proud to announce the Global Learning Scholarship Program (GLSP), providing opportunities for scientists and researchers from low- and middle-income countries to participate in top-tier scientific conferences and advanced networking and training opportunities at no cost. Scholarships are open to students, fellows, career scientists and researchers from LMICs.
German Academic Exchange Service DAAD Postgraduate Programs
Deadline: Ongoing
Germany finances through DAAD the participation in one of the postgraduate programs after a first undergraduate course for technical or scientific specialization, a postgraduate or master's program in Germany, in the country of origin or in another foreign country.
The time of the scholarship depends on the duration of the selected program:
→ For a postgraduate or a master's degree completed in Germany, between 10 and 24 months
→ For a period of study in Germany as part of a postgraduate or master's degree completed in a foreign country, usually an academic year
→ Scholarship payments of 850 euros a month
→ Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
→ Travel allowance
→ One-off study allowance
Waitt Foundation Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grants Program
Deadline: Ongoing
The Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grants Program provides small grants with a quick turnaround time for solutions to emerging conservation issues and ocean protection. Proposals for grants up to US$10,000 will be reviewed on a monthly rolling basis. Proposals up to US$15,000 will be considered, but granted highly infrequently. Project funds will be distributed within 2 weeks of funding decisions. Grants will fund projects related to the Waitt Foundation mission of supporting sustainable fishing and marine protected areas (MPAs). Spending of grant funds must commence within 1 month of granting, and be completed within 6 months.
International PhD Program for Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Rural Development (IPPAE)
Deadline: 31 October 2021
The International PhD Program for Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Rural Development (IPPAE) is the result of a cooperation between the agricultural economics groups of the University of Hohenheim and the University of Giessen. Its strength is that all PhD candidates have prior research or work experience in an area close to their PhD topics, which strengthens their analytical skills as well as the amount of knowledge that can be passed from peer to peer. In Giessen, the IPPAE lays its thematic focus on empirical, problem-solving research, at the crossroads between agricultural economics, agricultural sociology, farm economics and sustainable resource use. The program is 42 months long and supports PhD candidates through the process of their research project. Candidates benefit from a DAAD-scholarship and field work support.
Volkswagen Foundation “Pandemics: The Role of Human-Environmental Interactions”
Deadline: 4 November 2021
This call is part of a funding framework entitled ‘Global Issues – Integrating Different Perspectives’ which aims to enable international research collaboration and to generate insights on understudied issues of urgent global relevance. Funding will be provided for interdisciplinary research consortia of three to five researchers who design and conduct a project together with societal stakeholders in a transdisciplinary way. Besides one researcher working at a university or research institution in Germany, the involvement of two researchers affiliated to academic institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries outside of Europe is required. For each project up to 1.5 million Euro will be provided for up to four years.
HIV-associated Noncommunicable Diseases Research at Low- and Middle-Income Country Institutions
Letter of intent deadline: 8 November 2021
HIV-associated Noncommunicable Diseases Research at Low- and Middle-Income Country Institutions aims to support locally relevant research in critical areas of HIV-associated noncommunicable diseases at LMIC institutions, to enhance research capacity and build a network of researchers both within and across LMICs to address this critical burden. The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed US$275,000. Applicants may request a project period of up to two years.
AAUW International Fellowships
Deadline: 15 November 2021
International Fellowships provide support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree by the application deadline and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. The award amounts are Master’s/first professional degree US$18,000; Doctoral US$20,000; and Postdoctoral US$30,000.
Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Initiative (EEID)
Deadline: 17 November 2021
This joint National Institutes of Health (NIH) - National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative supports efforts to understand the underlying ecological and biological mechanisms that govern relationships between human-induced environmental changes and the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases. Under the NSF solicitation, the maximum award size for all years is US$2.5 million, including indirect costs, and the maximum award duration is five years.
Deadline: Ongoing
The Water Data Challenge is implemented by the Global Innovation Fund (GIF), an evidence-based, venture-capital-inspired funder of scalable innovations. GIF is seeking breakthroughs that cost-effectively improve smallholder farmers’ productivity, income, or resilience; or that help to optimize water use at the system, watershed, or basin level so as to enhance resilience or promote inclusive growth. GIF can fund pilot-stage proposals (proof of concept) up to US$230,000, and test and transition (demonstration) proposals up to US$1 million.
Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water
Deadline: 31 December 2021
The Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water is an international award focusing on water-related scientific innovation and judged by leading scientists from around the world. Five prizes are bestowed every two years. Each of the four specialized prizes is worth US$133,000: Surface Water Prize; Groundwater Prize; Alternative Water Resources Prize; and Water Management & Protection Prize. Worth US$266,000, the Creativity Prize is awarded for cutting-edge interdisciplinary scientific work that can rightly be considered a breakthrough in any water-related field.
University of Medical Sciences
Laje Road, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria. PMB 536. E-mail: Tel: +234-706-957-3618, +234-905-826-3636, +234-811-295-7770, +234-916-400-0008,+234-911-500-4010
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